School camps
& events
Community Events and School Camps
Throughout the year, Mt Hobson Academy takes pride in hosting regular school camps and community events camps to bring our school community together face to face.
We believe the strong bonds that are formed online are strengthened by coming together to connect. Sometimes this is for a day and a night, or a few days away together or for an evening of celebration at our end of year Prizegiving.
Camps are a great opportunity to try something new and push personal boundaries. Our camps are full of adventure, fun, and a safe place where our students feel valued and cared for. Camps are a highlight for our teachers who love to share in the adventure, while making deeper connections by getting alongside their students. Our students have taken part in a range of adventure pursuits including kayaking, low ropes across water, horse riding, rock climbing, water activities, mud races, tug of war, city exploration and much more.
There is a camp rotation planned for the year and students have the option to attend. These events provide valuable social and learning interactions for all our students.
Here’s what two of our teachers say about Camp in Huntly:
“For three days and two nights, thirty-four MHA students attended Camp at the fantastic Lakewood Lodge in Huntly. This year, the students were grouped into classes and together they undertook every activity and challenge the camp had to offer. The flying fox, archery, kayaking, horse games, rock climbing and low ropes were quite popular, but it was the dreaded Iron Person challenge, on the very last day, that proved to be the most enjoyable and fun!
Despite the chilly weather, muddy environment and initial student reservations, the teachers watched the competitive spirit rise throughout the group, as each student braved the obstacles in place (Including crawling under a mud-filled tarpaulin). The smiles and cheers were infectious, as we hosed the students down from their muddy decorations. This was an unforgettable camp and one we look forward to revisiting in the future.
Camp was a huge success, even with some rainy periods and cooler weather. It was just so lovely being with most of our school community in person, both staff and students. It was special to be able to spend time together away from the classroom, growing connections and stepping out of comfort zones. One of the highlights would have been the camp concert where all the students were involved in a performance. The staff skit ended with everyone upstanding, singing the National Anthem, generally in sync and in tune! A bit different to our weekly junior assembly where the anthem is a big hot mess with different internet speeds! What impressed me the most was how kind, thoughtful, friendly and respectful our students are towards each other and the camp staff and teachers.”